Analieze Cervantes

Literary Agent | Writer | Freelance Editor 

In the Lucas

Apr 17, 2018 by Analieze Cervantes
Many thoughts run through my head as I try to make something come out of what I've learned. Trying to fit the pieces together like some puzzle yet, nothing has worked. I look into her face wondering if anything could be better than this moment. Seeing her as she makes her rounds around the bookstore. Finding anything that would make her feel closer to the person she's lost. Hoping that one day I'd be lucky enough to get to know her, to understand her. But, it won't be as easy.

Given that she's married-- unavailable. 
Now those thoughts are clear like a day after a rainstorm.

However, some thoughts are crazier than others as I try to ignore the temptation to just go for it. She walks to the Romance section in the back of the store. Her blue eyes brighter than ever. Noticing a color change in her hair. Brown and in a bun, a messy one. I watch as her lips part as she tries to find something that can make her feel more human. The diamond ring on her finger brighter every second a hint of light reflects off of it. I walk closer to her, trying to not make my presence that much obvious. Given that I live an hour away from her, hoping that she doesn't see me, and think that I'm here for her. It's the last thing I need. 

Her smile brushes across her face for a second and then quickly turns upside down. Her fingers touch the books, but she doesn't grab them. She rather sighs to the disappointment that she can't share these kind of moments with anyone. Not one she really cares about. Finding nothing, she begins heading to the exit and I can't help but to follow her.

I follow her until she's made it home safe.
Only then do I head back to Norfolk.