Analieze Cervantes

Literary Agent | Writer | Freelance Editor 

Analieze Editorial

Submission Format

**Purchase of editing services does not guarantee publication or page requests from The Harvey Klinger Literary Agency; purchasing an editing package acts as an agreement that the writer is prohibited from submitting the edited material to Analieze Cervantes when querying The Harvey Klinger Agency. The writer is free to submit to any other agent at Harvey Klinger.**

**If I pass on your submission as Literary Agent then you are prohibited from hiring me for Editorial Services**

**Please note that when you contact me for Editorial Services, your manuscipt will be screened in for formatting and any additional work that may be needed before accepting your submission. If your submission may need additional guidance then the price will increase to accommodate the workload. Thank you for understanding.**

  • Queries should be a 1 page single spaced (hook, book, cook)
    • Hook: the pitch
    • Book: what your book is about.
    • Cook: You. Acknowledgements/Awards, whether or not you've been published. Your JOURNEY as a writer.
  • Synopses should be no longer than 1-2 pages double spaced. 
    • If the synopsis is longer than 2 pages. I will help you edit and condense in order to reach the 1-2 pages.
    • It should reveal the beginning, middle, and end (spoilers included)
  • Manuscript in Part or Full:
    • 12 pt font times roman/baskerville
    • double-spaced
    • 1-inch margins all around.
  • Sample pages should include the beginning of your manuscript.
  • Feel free to remove title pages, table contents, acknowledgements as this will limit the number of pages for service.
  • All materials should be sent as a Word doc. as an attachment.

*NOTE: Please keep in mind that all material should not be first draft. Editors are here to help you get your query/manuscript ready for publication. Make sure you have done the necessary editing: one-round of self editing, peer/beta readers/critique partners and making the necessary edits with their feedback before submitting to a freelance editor.
**Disclaimer: I cannot guarantee you will get represented but this will direct you on the right path toward publication**